Author Archives: webmaster

2017 CSA Fall November 25th Butternut

2017 CSA Fall November 25th Butternut

  • Watercress 8×8
  • Red Sorrel 8×8
  • Green Sorrel 8×8
  • Chervil bag
  • Mint bag
  • Beet Top bunch
  • Anaheim/Hatch peppers
  • 2 Butternut Squash
  • Acorn Squash
  • Lemon Verbena bag
  • Rose Geranium bag
  • Tatsoi 8×8
  • Ginger*

For all you Red Sorrel fans, a great addition to a cleansing part of diet: and a chance to have an almost Dr. Seuss colored meal: chop sorrel in Cuisinart and combine either savory or sweet to obtain juice or soup or just a nice dye for a meal, makes a great addition to an apple salad with walnut and raisins …to go with a purple sweet potato pie! Winter Squash- Butternut squash this week! In the same family as pumpkin, is often used in recipes in its place. So, if you have recipes you like that call for pumpkin, try this as a substitute.

  My favorite “pumpkin pie” is made with butternut instead. Butternut squash lends itself delicious for both sweet and savory dishes.  Used as an ingredient in homemade pasta, for stuffing, or cubed to be roasted, in soups, muffins and breads. If a savory soup or roast is on your mind, herbs chopped finely in your dish.  It is easy to cut in half, scoop out the seeds and roast in a bit of water for half an hour… then you can flip it over and dress with pumpkin spices, some fresh grated baby ginger, butter and brown sugar for a decadent treat.  Or stuff with savory greens, herbs, cheese or rice blend and bake the halves for about ½ an hour at 400f.  For a delicious pie, use 1 ½ cups of cooked/pureed squash, 1 cup of sugar/light brown sugar, 3 eggs, ¾ cup evaporated milk or half and half, dash each of cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, turmeric (insert some fresh grated baby ginger and turmeric, about an inch square), salt, 2 tbsp. flour, 1 tbsp. of melted butter, 1 tsp vanilla combined and poured into a 9” pie crust, and if you like, garnish with pecans (I also like to add crushed pecans into the crust). Bake @350 for 45-50 minutes (or until the top of the pie is set) and allow to cool before cutting.  Yum! Just a quick note on the baby ginger, since you are getting some every week: We wanted to suggest that if it is more than you can use fresh, store it in the freezer and just grate it into your teacup or recipe frozen, it will taste just like it is fresh! To your health and pleasure, always, love Leslie.


Purple Sweet Potatoes Mashed

2017 CSA Fall Nov 18th – Purple Sweet Potatoes

2017 CSA Fall Nov 18th – Purple Sweet Potatoes

  • Poultry Herbs
  • Tatsoi
  • Anaheim Peppers
  • Bell Peppers
  • Chives
  • Butternut Squash
  • Rosemary
  • Sage
  • Acorn Squash
  • Purple Sweet Potatoes
  • Turmeric*
  • Ginger
  • Tomatoes*

Thanksgiving herbs and fixings this week! Purple Sweet Potatoes and lots of winter squash. Some peppers for pep and Poultry Herb Bag perfect for stuffing the bird – use the hole bag stuff inside before cooking – you’ll be amazed at the aroma and infused flavor. Once Again, frost this weekend – our lowest this week: 19.9F as we pack up this evening – lots of purple sweet potatoes, baby ginger and baby turmeric. Purple sweet potatoes with white stars inside, we think are Hawaiian but an immigrant from Japan – what a gift!   

Turmeric as the season turns cold – a great healing rhizome with anti-inflammatory properties.


Holiday smashed purple potatoes, add ginger and turmeric fresh as desired


2017 CSA Fall November 11th Planet Earth Diversified Turmeric

2017 CSA Fall November 11th  Turmeric

•Poultry Herbs
•Anaheim Peppers
•Bell Peppers
•Butternut Squash
•Delicata Squash
•Yellow Squash

Killing Frost this weekend -it’s already less than 30F as we pack up this evening – lots of winter squash along with the peppers and eggplant.
Turmeric and Tomatoes are added to the box just before pickup or selected from the display at the market.
Poultry Herbs and dill this week along with the last harvest of peppers and yellow summer squash.
Watercress is one of the world’s healthiest foods…from the way we grow the watercress to the way we cut and chill it, great care is given to create the most potentiality for taste and nutrition. Known for being a peppery, dark, leafy green that grows with a wet foot along creeks and ditches, we bring it up off the ground and grow it on benches…it cascades over the sides, looking for more footing.
Harvesting Turmeric as the season turns cold – a great healing rhizome with anti-inflammatory properties.