Employment Opportunities
We are always looking for energetic quality oriented people to help harvest plant and build Planet Earth Diversified. Employment opportunities: Interested in working at Planet Earth Diversified? You can see more about us here on this site at https:/www.planetearthdiversified.com and on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/PlanetEarthDiversified/
Express your interest
Fax Resume and Letter of Interest describing why you want the job and what your special qualifications are to 434-985-4985 More than one position is available. Applicants need reliable transportation to and from work and a commitment to completion of time sensitive harvesting for daily orders.
Current Openings
- Harvester
- Packing room
- Manager
- Snag a Job listing
- Craigslist
Tenemos posiciones de trabajo disponibles en granja. Puede ser temporal o de planta todo el año, Es recolectando, empacando y sembrando; de Lunes a Viernes de 8:00 am a 7:00 pm. Deberan traer Su ropa de trabajo y Su almuerzo. Deben ser responsables, punctuales y concistentes. Una identificacion con foto y documentos de trabajo son necesarios. Suficiente ingles para comunicarse Es indispensable; ser bilingue mucho mejor. Se les Dara entrenamiento de acuerdo al departamento de salud y se les proporcionara la informacion en ingles y español. Interesados favor de comunicarse con Michael
We have openings for harvesting and packing and planting etc at the farm! Monday thru Friday – could be seasonal or year round with our greenhouses for the right people. Learn and be outside with the plants as well as packing quality greens and herbs in the packing room. Hours M-F 8am to 7pm bring bag lunch wear work clothes, must be reliable, on time, and consistent. Photo IDs and work documents required. Food safety training provided in English and Spanish
Application and Documents
Get a jump on the process – complete these forms and snail mail them in or Fax them to 434-985-4985. Always include a written letter of your interest and particular qualification and why you want to work with us.
I-9 Form
Copy of DMV record
Request a Copy of you DMV record here https://www.dmv.virginia.gov/general/#record_glance.asp
Tax Withholding Forms
Attire and Food Safety
Work Clothing and Tools
This is field and greenhouse farm work. Shoes must be closed toed with some ankle support and suitable for sometimes wet and dirty locations. Long pants such as denim jeans are preferred with heavy shorts allowed in high temperatures. A sun shielding hat is a very good idea, one that is waterproof would be useful if there are showers. Leather or work Gloves for hand protection in the case of weeding or heavy lifting are up to the individual to provide, disposable nitrile gloves are available on site if needed for sanitary purposes. A belt and tool holster should be worn to contain a pair of scissors and a knife and possibly a pair or pruning secateurs. Cell phone need to have a secure belt holster as well. If you have any allergies to plants or insects or skin sensitivity to herb oils you must notify the supervisor and wear appropriate clothing or protection. Sunscreen and insect repellent are optional to the desires of the individual but should not contain heavy perfumes or be allowed to contaminate the food products harvested for human consumption.
Every employee should at all times have and maintain in clean and working order a pair of scissors and a fixed blade plastic handled produce or serrated (steak) knife. Assistance for cleaning and sharpening is provided but each employee is responsible for their own hand tools and having them available in good order at all times. A pair of secateurs ( similar to Corona Bypass Shears) is very handy.
Wash hands regularly and tools should be cleaned daily at a minimum.
Knife Serrated
Work Gloves
Leather Work Gloves
Produce Knife
Food and Hydration
Designated employee eating areas are required by USDA and FDA for food safety to isolate employee meals from harvested produce. Employees should bring Lunch and other foods they desire and place in the designated refrigerator. Hydration is important – safe fresh drinking water is available at marked or labeled taps and Ice is available. Electrolyte drinks such as Gatorade are useful and each employee is encouraged to carefully maintain their hydration and electrolytes to prevent cramps and dehydration.
An Approved Restroom is in the rear of the Packing Room – at no time should employees relieve themselves in the field or anywhere other than the approved restroom- washing their hands before and after with soap and water and the single use towels provided.
Food Safety Training
We have annual as well as unannounced inspections by various agencies. Familiarize yourself with these food safety training videos – at anytime a USDA or FDA inspector may approach you and ask about your knowledge of these food safety concepts and procedures in produce harvesting and handling.
Additional Food Safety Compliance
Required compliance with FSMAs Produce Safety Rule and Preventative Controls Rule. http://www.fda.gov/Food/GuidanceRegulation/FSMA/ucm247546.htm
Our SOP – Standard Operating Procedures – in manuals and training on site with forms to be signed by each employee when critical tasks are accomplished. Here is an example from Cornell GAPs for basic primer. The Decision Tree project is very thorough. http://gaps.cornell.edu/educational-materials/decision-trees