2018 CSA Winter February 24th Citrus

2018 CSA Winter February 24th Citrus

  • Eggs
  • Mix of Citrus
  • Salad Mix 10×10
  • Baby Salad Mix
  • Dill
  • Pesto
  • Microgreens
  • Poultry Herb Blend

A mix of citrus, eggs and a container of freshly made pesto this week along with your greens and herbs in your CSA share this week! Pictured at right above are Calamondin oranges, and in the bowl here to the right are those plus a few Thai limes. Below left are kumquats still on the tree. These are an almost egg-shaped citrus which we usually eat whole, raw, or sliced up to garnish a salad or dish. These have a mild and sweet flavor, in contrast to the Calamondin which are thin skinned and very tart. Those I like to scissor cut broadly over a salad, including the skin, or adding to a homemade dressing. These are great for accentuating the cooking of meats, stir-fry, sweet and sours, curries, deserts, especially fruit pies. Makes for a great marmalade or syrup for the table. For a quick, on-the-go energizer try scissor cutting into your cup of tea or your water bottle. The rind will continue to release some flavor for a refill. The Thai (or Makrut) limes are larger, have a more bumpy look to the thick skin, and have a raised neck where it was attached. Although there is a bit of flesh and juice in the center, it is the skin that is most often used in cooking to impart its flavor to the likes of Pan-Pacific foods by way of a dash of zest. I store mine in the freezer, taking it out to grate a bit and returning for long term storage! Enjoy!


Kumquats and Calamondin

Kumquats and Calamondin

Thai Lime PonderosaThai Lime- Ponderosa lemon- Kumquat- Calamondin

Thai Lime- Ponderosa lemon- Kumquat- Calamondin









  • Calamondin

    – tart seeded completely edible skin – crush into drinks use in extracts and cooking squat or dimpled fruit

  • Kumquat

    – sweet no or few seeds and completely edible peel – consume whole like candy slick firm oval fruits

  • Thai lime

    – 1000x the potentcyof Lime Leaf – little juice zest of peel powerfull in curries, green teardrop shape

  • Ponderosa Lemon

    – thick skin huge lemons