2016 CSA winter January 30 Planet Earth Diversified
• Baby Salad Mix
• Baby Arugula
• Chard
• Baby Red Sorrel
• Baby green sorrel
• Chervil
• Cilantro
• Dill
• Basil pesto
• Lemongrass
• Butternut Squash
• Sweet Potatoes
All kinds of Yummy choices this week from veggies like butternut squash and sweet potatoes thru herbs like chervil and dill to the wonderful and our famous Baby Arugula! When Michael and I want an affectionate term for things going well we say “Arugula!”
Also note this week the sorrels add a tangy treat to smoothies like strawberry and banana blueberry etc. Hope you made it through the stormy cold ok and we look forward to bringing next week goodies to the foreground. Leslie
Red Sorrel was introduced to us by the awesome Mike Perry of Harvest Moon Catering. My brother rocks the house! and boy, some yummy creations…thank you!! Sorrel is the flavor we usually reserve for fish steaks, Cut from the side like a sandwich roll, pesto smeared inside, baked, and topped with balsamic reduced/roasted pecans. Finish this dish with a scoop of rice, with a tablespoon of pesto added to the water of the rice in prep. Voila! Have fun with your garnish, maybe you have an edible flowering shrub around, or how about a sprig of the dill this week. Bed the fish on your mixed field greens and you have a classic PED meal. This week’s pesto flavor is one of my all time favorite, not because it is so popular, but because it is so helpful. Milk Thistle! the ultimate mother of cleaning…the liver that is. And with our liver tied to so much, use this pesto just as you would any other, slather it on sandwiches, pasta, pizza, in a frittata, a quiche, the possibility is endless in the kitchen. And it is much more fun that that medicine cabinet!