Tag Archives: Greens Card

Get $750 for $500 – Greens Card

photo of Planet Earth Diversified Greens Card
Planet Earth Diversified Greens Card

What a deal! Get 50% more with the Planet Earth Diversified Greens Card. Valid all year at the Market April through December 2012. Good for anything at the market at normal market prices. You will get a unique account number and access your online account so you can see what your balance is and what was spent each time you use the card.

Farmers invest early in the season – long before there is anything to sell. By purchasing ahead you help the farmer with funds when needed most during planting and preparation. So we pass the benefits along! You get 50% more for your money.
Similar to a CSA where you purchase a share early in the year BUT with the Planet Earth Diversified Greens Card – you pick what you want and when at each Market. No need to carry cash – just your card or account number.
Now that’s GRASS ROOTS farm credit!
Minimum initial card purchase of $500 by April 5th 2012.

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