Berries are in at the Charlottesville City Market and one of our all time favorite things to do with rose geranium is here: strawberries for stewing and brewing! Any fruit will do but strawberries are especially yummy when stewed with rose geranium sprigs that are then fished out when the leaves begin to turn army green colored. We stew the strawberries a bit to let them cook, in sugar and a bit of water, and towards the end (just a few minutes cook time), drop in the sprigs of rose geranium, taking care to turn down the flame as the scent will cook off at high temperatures. I add mine after letting the strawberries cool for a few minutes.
We use the stewed strawberries in drinks, making a tea of it by adding water and honey, topping for waffles and pancakes, stir into a yogurt cup, or use in yogurt for a dressing of an apple salad, even as a base for a fruit chutney. Once cooked and the leaves removed, it can also do well stored in the refrigerator for future use; just be sure to pull out the rose geranium, or it can mess with the flavor, becoming overpowering to your dish. When we use this as a chutney, is usually with a yellow curry.
photo: gardenaction.co.uk |
Please be sure to see attachment for lots of yummy ideas for your squash blossoms. Consider also using them as a topping for a gourmet pizza. Many people will remove the inner base of the flower, but we leave it in. Lacinato kale is also in your CSA share this week. Cutely nicknamed dinosaur kale, it does well chopped into a saute pan and cooked for a few minutes. This kale is well liked as “chips”: remove thick center rib, cut to desired size, coat in oil and favorite spices (simple salt and pepper does nicely), and bake about 10 minutes, checking for roasted crisp finish.