2017 CSA Fall December 23rd
- Arugula 10×10
- Mixed Salad 10×10
- Chervil
- Parsley
- Dill
- Basil Pesto *
- Red Sorrel Pesto*
- Citrus Selection
- Papaya
- Ginger*
- Turmeric*
And to top that off, papaya, turmeric and ginger..for fresh flavor and energy to face the chill of winter. Chervil I like to use fresh with veggies and salad as I find a bit of pain relief in its sweet aroma. Parsley, another nutrition rich green, can help relieve bloating, may fight kidney stones, gallbladder, and urinary tract infections. And it has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial characteristics.
We made a Red Sorrel Pesto, among other flavors, in hopes to send you home with a red and a green version to use at your leisure. These store easily in the freezer, just let the container sit out for about 20 minutes during recipe prep and the outer edge with defrost making it easy to scrape a tablespoon or 2 out. Then the container can be popped back into the freezer. Woot! To your health and your pleasure, always, Leslie