Author Archives: webmaster

Papaya Pie slice

2017 CSA Winter February 25th Papaya

2017 CSA Winter February 25th

  • Bag of Arugula
  • Bag of Field Mix
  • Mustard Greens
  • Red Sorrel
  • Papaya
  • Flowering Sage
  • Flowering Pineapple Sage
  • Epazote
  • Cilantro
  • Tatsoi

Just a quick and delightful treatment of your sage in meals this week: try the leaves and flowering tops fried. I have seen leaves fried as is and served as a garnish and the flowering tops dipped in an egg batter and then fried, served as an appetizer back in the day when Mark Newsome was Chef of Joshua Wilton House.

Papaya pie!

Yeah, a little different, but I wanted to share my results: skinned, deseeded and chopped papaya was tossed with juice from 2 limes, !approximately ¾ cup of brown sugar, 2 tbs of honey, 1 ½  tbs of corn starch, plus healthy dashes of cinnamon and vanilla. This was poured into a prepared pie shell and baked on a jelly roll pan at 350F for 30 minutes. I thought it looked a little runny at end time so I dusted the top with some more corn starch, used a spoon to gently fold that into the papaya filling and baked it for at least another 20 minutes. See the results in the photos and please overlook the tell-tale dusting trail…we thought it turned out very yummy! Maybe you will try it?

Papaya Pie

Papaya Pie









Winter_Feb_18 Hydro house

2017 CSA Winter February 18th

2017 CSA Winter February 18th

  • Bag of Arugula
  • Bag of Field Mix
  • Marjoram
  • Chives
  • Second Tomatoes
  • Petite Tomatoes
  • Jalapeno Peppers
  • Scorpion Peppers *use gloves!
  • Beet Greens
  • Tatsoi

2017 CSA Winter February 18th: Photos of several greenhouses for illustration on behalf of our newest members.Photo at bottom right shows how bold Michael is in his never ending quest to care for the farm. Ideas for your CSA items this week: pizza, salads and pepper jam. For a simple tomato sauce, cut your tomatoes in half along the “equator” and grate over a bowl down to the skin. This can be spread onto pizza dough (or poured over pasta) and then topped with chopped arugula, jalapenos or fresh leaves pulled from the stem of the marjoram. Simple jam recipes can include just a few ingredients: sugar, vinegar, chopped peppers and pectin. The recipe at looks very similar to what my Mom used to make, especially the type of “no sugar needed” pectin from Sure Jell which can be found at the grocery store. Besides the mixed greens, consider a basic salad of your beet greens, adding some goat cheese on top and finished with a drizzle of balsamic. Chopped arugula, a few walnut pieces and a touch of honey would also combine well with this.

Rose Scented Geranium

2017 CSA Winter February 11th

2017 CSA Winter February 11th

  • Bag of Arugula
  • Bag of Field Mix
  • Papaya
  • Tomatoes
  • Second Tomatoes
  • Chervil
  • Rose Geranium
  • Potatoes
  • Red Rib Sorrel
  • Green Sorrel

For a special treat, use your rose geranium to infuse tea, syrup, creamy goodies or dressings..or try Rosy Outlook Cake: Preheat oven to 350 F  degrees.Grease a glass 9″x9″ baking pan and press a sprinkle of chopped geranium, and a few decorative leaves onto the bottom of the greased pan. In medium bowl, mix 1 1/3 cups flour, 2/3 cup sugar, 2 tsp. baking powder and 1/2 tsp. cinnamon. In another bowl, combine 2/3 cup milk, 1/3 cup softened butter, two room temperature eggs, 1 tsp. vanilla, and the rest of the shredded rose geranium leaves. Beat with a hand mixer on medium until well blended. Add the dry mixture into the wet mixture and blend on medium for about one minute. Pour mixed batter gently into greased pan, on top of leaves and bits. Bake for 30 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Let cool 10-15 minutes and then invert cake onto a plate. Cool completely before cutting. A doily, leaf or wide loop lace can be used as a stencil for decorating with powdered sugar, see photo at above right, as offered to my guests at the 1804 Inn at Barboursville back in the day. Hope you are inspired! Have a lovely week.