2017 CSA Winter January 21st
- Papaya
- Fresh Ginger
- Baby Kale
- Field Arugula
- Tatsoi
- Tatsoi Florets
- Green Tomatoes
- Bay Laurel
- Peppers
- Potatoes
- Chervil
2017 CSA Winter January 21st: The days are getting longer now! As of today, the sun is setting over 45 minutes later than at the 1st of the year. For a cool chart of day lengths, check out aa.usno.navy.mil online. Winter seems so long but spring will be here soon! For some plants, their growth habit turns around right after the day period begins to lenghten. But alas, you can see some of the struggle of growing all seasons in the picture of the tomato at right. It is worth it though, for that fresh fried green tomato in January! Or try a green tomato and pepper chutney instead. At the Inn at Little Washington, they would put a sprig of chervil between two very thin slices of potato to make a sort of window frame. The florets, or flowering tops of tatsoi, are a rare treat…try them just gently wilted in a buttery pan for a unique garnish, or with just a touch of your fresh ginger. PS: Wegmans is now carrying our greens! And Foods of All Nations is now featuring our eggs! Woot! Go team! Delicious healthy food for all…Cheers!