2016 CSA Spring May 7
- Stinging Nettle Pesto
- Spinach
- Mixed Field Greens
- Chard
- Poultry Herbs
- Dill
- Mint
- Lemon Verbena
- Basil
Stinging Nettle Fresh:
Fresh spring surprise! Stinging nettle pesto this week for you in your CSA share. Stinging nettles are and old time food, medicine, tea and also fiber. Personally i have heard of people using it for allergies, arthritis, anemia and urinary track health. Matthew Wood mentions stinging nettle in regards to healing the thyroid. In his book, The Earthwise Herbal, he says, “I fine it effective when the part has been paralyzed or depressed in function…It also works internally on inactive kidneys, thyroid, menstruation, hormones, nerves, muscles, and so forth, to bring them back into effective operation.” He says it is high in protein, vitamins, minerals and serves as an excellent all-around nutritive tonic, especially good for iron. One herbalist described relief from psoriasis, low energy from depleted kidneys, and gout, as it flushes out excess uric acid. Another herbalist also mentions that congestion, adrenal deficiency, hemorrhoids, and dandruff can be treated with stinging nettles. It is said that hair and nails benefit from a diet that includes stinging nettles.
Although stinging nettles can serve up a burning rash if brushed the wrong direction, the plant juices themselves act as an antidote to the sting, and these juices have been used for soothing skin irritations much like aloe and jewe weed.
We find fresh preparations like pesto are an easy and delicious way to include healthy medicinal and nutritious foods in the diet.
To your health and pleasure, always!