Category Archives: Eggplant

2016 CSA Summer July16th – 10% Discount

2016 CSA Summer July16th – members save 10%

  • Field Arugula
  • Mixed Field Greens
  • Chard
  • Beet Greens
  • Squash Blossoms
  • Onion bunch
  • Garlic
  • Peppers
  • Eggplant
  • Thai Basil
  • Yellow Squash
  • Gold Zucchini
  • Potatoes
  • Tomatoes
  • Gourmet Cucumber

CSA members receive 10% discount for market purchases! This is in addition to the extreme discount received for being a participating CSA member. At our price, a single share costs about $25 a week; the retail price for items in your share this week would be $58.73. What a bargain!

 Eggplant yogurt

Eggplant yogurt

New this week in the share are peppers, eggplant, yellow squash, chard, beet greens and gourmet cucumber. From casseroles to the grill, from lasagna to ratatouille, squash and eggplant are versatile. For an interesting twist, consider this eggplant dish that utilizes tomatoes from a Middle Eastern restaurant: Borani Badenjan, fried eggplant steamed with seasoned tomato sauce, served with homemade garlic yogurt and mint. Or try this: Mike takes the eggplant, tomatoes, etc, and simmers it in a crock pot.  The resultant rich batch is then great for a minestrone or served over pasta.  Very nice with a shaving of parmesan!

Thai Basil Flowers

Thai Basil Flowers

The second planting of cucumbers is doing well and we are so grateful to share with you what we consider one of the best tasting, highest quality cucumbers to be found locally.

Let us know what you think! To your health and your pleasure! Enjoy


2015 CSA Fall October 17

2015 CSA Fall Oct 17

field mix
pepper medley
rose geranium
poultry herbs
thai basil
butternut squash
gold variety zucchini
squash blossoms
baby ginger
the best green beans

Make a wonderful cold weather tea with baby ginger grated and lemonverbena leaf steeped in almost boiling water sweetened with honey.
Butternut squash again this week! In the same family as pumpkin, is often times used in recipes in its place. So if you have recipes you like that call for pumpkin, try this as a substitute. My favorite “pumpkin pie” is made with butternut instead. Butternut squash lends itself delicious for both sweet and savory dishes. Used as an ingredient in homemade pasta, for stuffing, or cubed to be roasted, in soups, muffins and breads. If a savory soup or roast is on your mind, consider using your Poultry herbs chopped finely in your dish. It is easy to cut in half, scoop out the seeds and roast in a bit of water for half an hour… then you can flip it over and dress with pumpkin spices, some fresh grated baby ginger, butter and brown sugar for a decadent treat. Or stuff with savory greens, herbs, cheese or rice blend and bake the halves for about ½ an hour at 400f. For a delicious pie, use 1 ½ cups of cooked/pureed squash, 1 cup of sugar/light brown sugar, 3 eggs, ¾ cup evaporated milk or half and half, dash each of cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger (insert some fresh grated baby ginger), salt, 2 tbs flour, 1 tbs of melted butter, 1 tsp vanilla combined and poured into a 9” pie crust, and if you like, garnish with pecans (i also like to add crushed pecans into the crust). Bake @350 for 45-50 minutes (or until the top of the pie is set) and allow to cool before cutting. Yum! Just a quick note on the baby ginger, since you are getting some every week: We wanted to suggest that if it is more than you can use fresh, store it in the freezer and just grate it into your teacup or recipe frozen, it will taste just like it is fresh!

