Planet Earth Diversified CSA
Join the Planet Earth Diversified CSA which is an offering of 4 seasons of 3 months each. We provide the opportunity for a year round CSA – get your greens and herbs and produce direct from the farm at a discount for your commitment and upfront payment of CSA share fees.
Eggs and Wheatgrass trays can be added to any season share for that season. Pickups will be on Tuesday at Forest Lakes Market from 4 till 7 PM and Saturday at the City Market From 7AM till Noon.
Our Year Round Planet Earth Diversified CSA program, available in quarters Jan-Mar, Apr-Jun, July-Sep, Oct-Dec from our fields and 6 greenhouses. Your CSA share may be picked up at the Farm early Saturday Morning or late Friday night with special arrangements.
Sign up for Planet Earth Diversified CSA
Print Blank form to fill out and Mail in or use online payment below :
[memberfindme open=”account/join”]
See the past CSA distributions:
More info on these links :
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